Monday, December 3, 2012

Top 10 Benefits of Being Anorexic


  • My crazy obsession with food has made me a pretty good cook.
  • I always have gum.
  • My cold hands are perfect to lay across Boyfriend's forehead when he has a fever.
  • If I was held prisoner and denied food until I gave up whatever secrets my captor wanted out of me, I would outlast everyone.
  • I can spend my last couple of dollars on art supplies instead of food when I'm broke.
  • No one needs to look up how many calories are in any food with me around. I have them all memorized. 
  • There is no way to style my thin hair, so I get to sleep in an extra 10 minutes.
  • If Starvation Protester ever becomes a professional job, I will be rich.
  • Passing out in public always livens up everyone's day.
  • Catching every cold floating around in the winter gives me an excuse to not go sledding when I am already freezing.

***Obviously, I'm kidding. Anorexia is an absolutely awful condition to live with. End of story. But making light of it takes away some of its power, right?***

If you are looking for someone to talk to who understands, I'm here. I am not a therapist, but I am someone who has been on both sides of this illness. Email me:


  1. Yes! Not only can I made me laugh!

  2. Actually it made me laugh, and I kind of agree with the art supplies and cooking perks... Though, I know I shouldn't.

  3. Don't like this, sorry. Though some of it is true...
